Q1.The virtual simulation lab website shows information about which manufacturing process:

(a)  Casting   (b)  Welding   (c)  Metal Forming   (d)  Machining

Q2.The contribution of Indian forging industries in global forging market in percentage is:

(a)  2   (b)  5   (c)  8   (d)  22

Q3.The main purpose of upsetting operation on billet is to:

(a)   Decreasing diameter and increasing height
(b)   Increasing diameter and increasing height
(c)   Increasing diameter and decreasing height
(d)   None of the above

Q4.The number of presses shown in upsetting process module are:

(a)  4   (b)  1   (c)  3   (d)  7

Q5.The L/D ratio used in interactive bench of simulation for upsetting process are:

(a)  1.0,2.0,3.0   (b)  1.0,1.5,2.0   (c)  5.0,10.0,15.0   (d)  10.0,12.0,15.0

Q6.Velocity of upper die in simulation for upsetting operation is:

(a)  1 mm/sec & 2 mm/sec   (b)  2 mm/sec & 5 mm/sec   (c)  5 mm/sec & 10 mm/sec   (d)  1 mm/sec & 10 mm/sec

Q7.The material which is not used in simulation for upsetting operation is:

(a)  Titanium   (b)  Aluminium   (c)  Copper   (d)  Lead

Q8.In upsetting operation which die moves:

(a)  Lower die   (b)  Upper die   (c)  Both   (d)  None

Q9.Which process involves increasing of the cross-sectional area by pressing or hammering in a direction parallel to the original ingot axis:

(a)  Peening   (b)  Swaging   (c)  Upsetting   (d)  Setting down

Q10.Upsetting process is a/an:

(a)  Open die forging process   (b)  Closed die forging process   (c)  Both   (d)  None